Tanács, ajánló
Kilian Jornet terepfutó tanácsai edzéshez, versenyzéshez
- hétfő, jún. 06 2016
- Tóth Viktor
- Legyél te az első hozzászóló!
this week I with write about my experience on alimentation in Ultra and Long distance runs (calling Ultras when is more than 12-15h and is a truble on the biological clock)
In long distance races and Ultras is important to have energy, it is better to feel all the time that you have something in the stomach (and need to run doing a small digestion) than feel lighter but have the risk to have an hypoglycemia. And with this I’m not saying you should take a fondue in every aid-station, but to have something a small amount of food inside.
It’s better to opt for food that we are used to eat, and chose what to eat depending the external conditions.
If the weather is cold, it will be great to eat something a bit warm as pasta soups, hot burritos, pizza slices, mini sandwiches, sweet snacks or cookies... And drink some tea or soups to both hydrate and warm you.
In hot weather, the hydration is much more important. Eat fruits will give us energy and hydratation at the same time. And eat food who has salt it will be great for the lost in transpiration: salty snacks, crackers, nuts, small salty sandwiches, cold pizzas... It can be a good complement to take salt tablets for refueling the salt and magnesium eliminated through perspiration and avoid cramps.
I take gels during the hard moments to get out and during the last 5 hours, taking gels with a great flavor, many times we are saturated of sweet and salty gels can be great (I love a Caramel Beurre Salé fromDUO TONIC ) anyway, something we like.
It is advisable to always eat in small amounts but trying to have the feeling of having a full stomach (full is not “burst", is not to feel empty) to have energy, because it is not only the power to make the effort but also on the temperature when it's cold, the distance, the sleep, etc.
Hydration is essential to keep the body in proper condition throughout the race, if in a short race a small dehydration can be good, in ultras is better to be well hydrated. I'm opting for water alone, to feel less acid problems after many hours, Is good to have electrolytes or salts in but we must be used to the products. Water with a little of fruit syrup or fruit gel is very interesting because it is easier to absorb this water that if this alone, especially when it's hot, where the water has a tendency to "pass" through rather than fixed.
In the hot, you must be careful to drink Coke, especially if you usually have muscle cramps, because of its high pH facilitates the onset of cramps after drinking. Is important to drink a lot, between 1-1,5L of water per hour, in small amounts (a gulp) every 10 minutes.
#nutrition #trailrunning #Ultra pictures on Hardrock Hundred Endurance Run by Matt Trappe Photo & Film and Western States 100
Tóth Viktor
2003 óta vezetek egyéni és csoportos edzéseket. 2005-2015 között csapatvezetőként irányítottam az általam alapított X2S TEAM multisport csapatot. Ez alatt a 10 év alatt a csapat tagjai több Világ-, Európa- és Magyar bajnoki címet szereztek tereptriatlonban, terepfutásban és hegyikerékpárban. Közülük kerültek ki Magyarország legsikeresebb Xterra és első Spartan Race versenyzői is. Számos sportrendezvény szervezője, szakmai vezetője vagy tanácsadója vagyok. Sok esetben olyan rendezvényeket honosítottam meg Magyarországon, amelyek külföldön is ritkaságnak számítanak. Ilyenek például a téli triatlon (futás, kerékpár és sífutás), a hosszútávú tereptriatlon, vagy a városi terepfutás.
Kiemelkedően fontosnak tartom a sport és a természet kapcsolatát. Az edzésmunka másik meghatározó alkotóeleme a közösség ereje. A sport, sőt sokszor egy verseny is sok esetben elsősorban önismereti, belső fejlődést jelent.
Webhely: triatlonedzo.hu/